Nicholas Anderson

Do they really say what needs to be done?

I have gone through a bunch of press cuttings from this year to take a look at what leading businessmen, economics professors and politicians have been saying recently about the Finnish economy: Put…

Orwellian thoughts about Pohjola Bank

I have mentioned before that 2 banks, Nordea and OP-banks control over 60% of the banking market here. This is oligopoly by any reasonable standard, and should be challenged. There is no banking group…

The 2nd day at SLUSH

I met with Forum’s other columnist Kaj Arnö there today. He was hunting for companies to invest in and I was there to report on the exceptional. We both saw a lot of people wanting to succeed and wan…

Free advertising… not with my money!

A year ago I was so fed up with the mess of the hundreds of big advertisements stuck up by Tres Bones, Club Venue, Club Kaiku and Tavastiaklubi, etc, that I called them and asked them to stop sticking…

Bank pay is too high

I have worked in banking and finance for 45 years and I am seldom surprised by what goes on. I have seen so much greed and unsavory banking practices. I have no illusions about the sector and very lit…

EK’s Superpacs for Eduskunta?

It is not enough that we have political broilers as ministers now we have EK staff wanting to be candidates for the parliament. I have received an invitation to attend a corporate seminar to “change t…

Bad bank behavior

I have documentary evidence of how Nordea has been selling pension fund products to a colleague’s 75 year old mother who has some savings and a very small pension. The bank knew she suffered from deme…