Nicholas Anderson

When banks collapse

Greece is now a live experiment of what happens when an electronic banking system collapses. People cannot access their cash. They cannot make payments. Their credit cards stop working. Shops and gas…

Bank reporting is opaque

I have just spent a few days researching the annual reports of 6 Nordic banks to see how much money they have actually lent and to which customers. I have been doing this since 1970’s when I first too…

Not repaying housing loans…

A 30 year old Swedish coworker (in finance) in Stockholm bought a block of Apple shares in 2008 after selling his holdings of Nokia. Both investments enabled him to buy a nice apartment in Stockholm f…

The retail price war is a hoax…

Is this really a food price war between the monopolies? Of course not! They are just trying to stop Lidl’s march into their 80% market share. The announcement covers a tiny fraction of their 25 000 pr…

Nicholas Anderson är oberoende rådgivare och konsult inom finans, infrastruktur och klimatförändring.

Mer Slush behövs

Jag har hört många sabla ner Slush – mässan för uppstartsföretag – när de i själva verket borde sabla ner politikerna, Finlands näringsliv EK och fackförbunden. De flesta idéer på Slush kommer aldrig …

Finland’s own Saarinen Ateneum Art Gallery

Finland has the opportunity of a lifetime to take over Saarinen’s world class Railway Station Building and turn it into a Finnish “Guggenheim” a million times better than the US model. Why build anot…