Nicholas Anderson

Är mer bättre?

När jag läser artiklar om Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, och deras fanklubb här, typ Wahlroos, Berner och Ollila, fokuserar jag på det liv de lever, med massor av pengar och många små händer och andra …

Letter from China No.7

Thank your lucky stars to be born and live where? There are some strange people in the Chinese language school here in Hainan. Some are like the young Russians from Eastern Siberia who “dance” in the …

Letter from China No:6

Why did I spend 2 hours today walking along the coastline of Hainan in hot sunny weather? Am I crazy? Am I wasting my time? The answer to these 3 questions is simple and obvious to me. I do exercise m…

Letter from China No: 5

Productivity does not exist without competition I was asked by a Chinese colleague about how can a company improve its productivity. She works for a government-owned company here in China and they hav…

Letter from China – No: 4

Shops open late in the evening and during the weekend? Enjoying a big choice of restaurants on Sundays and on public holidays? Service minded owners? Smiling staff in shops and hotels? Affordable pric…

Letter from China – No: 3

Things seldom work out well when people stay too long in the same place. It is the same with things. They get worn out after years of use and need to be replaced. That is why we build new houses and h…

Letter from China – No. 2

I spent the weekend here in Haikou doing Mandarin homework, going on long walks and to the gym as well as shopping and eating. The typhoon has disappeared and I enjoyed 2 days of hot humid sunshine as…