EK’s Superpacs for Eduskunta?

It is not enough that we have political broilers as ministers now we have EK staff wanting to be candidates for the parliament. I have received an invitation to attend a corporate seminar to “change things” with EK’s finest.
You can participate for 700€ or more and support EK’s Russian specialist Kai Mykkänen. The seminar speakers are Esko Aho, Katainen, Korhonen (Outotec), Silasmaa (Nokia), Mäkela (Espoo), etc…
Kai is probably a good guy but I really wonder about the health of politics when big lobby groups representing the thinnest part of our economy seek out seminar disguised funding for elections. SME’s represent 99% of all the companies here and few entrepreneurs have the time or resources to run for politics. EK certainly does not represent their interests. Maybe I am too old fashioned or just blue-eyed but I never knew that big companies had the vote here.
You will also recall that the French have a saying which is appropriate here, “plus de change plus la meme chose”. These are the same people who have pushed up the number of unemployed to 350 000 (or 500 000 depending on the way you count them) and to whom we can thank for the disastrous downturn of the last 8 years. They share this prize with the trade unions.