Letter from China – No. 2

I spent the weekend here in Haikou doing Mandarin homework, going on long walks and to the gym as well as shopping and eating. The typhoon has disappeared and I enjoyed 2 days of hot humid sunshine as…

Letter from China – No: 1

I have just finished my first week here at the Mandarin language school in Haikou, the capital of the Hainan Island. I have glimpsed at the striking protesters in Helsinki and read Sipila’s speech and…

Is more better?

When I read stories about Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, and their fan club here like Wahlroos, Berner and Ollila, I focus on the life they lead with lots of money and many little hands and other resour…

Den förlorade sonens återkomst

Var med på presentationen av gamle kollegan Ronald Fagerfjälls bok om Peter ”Pirre” Wallenberg, ”Den förlorade sonens återkomst” på Ekerlids förlag i Stockholm. Fagerfjäll som intervjuade Pirre …

Uncle Sam, the money man…

The windows outside the Lauttasaari flat were black and it was a too wet to go for a walk. Pekka felt that it was time to make a decision about the money on their account. It was now 6 months after th…

(O)väntade vinklar i radiodebatt

Under några decennier har landets ledande politiker oberoende av parti samt nationalekonomer passivt tittat på när flera industrigrenar har skurits ned, i en del fall nästan helt nedmonterats. De…

Sonen som hoppade upp på scenen

Upplevde den fullfjädrade sångaren Måns Zelmerlöw med orkester på en privat fest i Stockholm igår kväll. Vilket ös, det ryckte och svängde i både gammal och ung. Jag mötte många gånger Måns papp…

Uber or not to Uber…

I oppose redundant monopolies because, like over-regulation, they increase prices, and tend to deliver poor value for money, destroy entrepreneurship, and slow innovation. Monopolies do well in smalle…