Author: Nicholas

Bank reporting is opaque

I have just spent a few days researching the annual reports of 6 Nordic banks to see how much money they have actually lent and to which customers. I have been doing this since 1970’s when I first too…

Not repaying housing loans…

A 30 year old Swedish coworker (in finance) in Stockholm bought a block of Apple shares in 2008 after selling his holdings of Nokia. Both investments enabled him to buy a nice apartment in Stockholm f…

The retail price war is a hoax…

Is this really a food price war between the monopolies? Of course not! They are just trying to stop Lidl’s march into their 80% market share. The announcement covers a tiny fraction of their 25 000 pr…

Finland’s own Saarinen Ateneum Art Gallery

Finland has the opportunity of a lifetime to take over Saarinen’s world class Railway Station Building and turn it into a Finnish “Guggenheim” a million times better than the US model. Why build anot…

Do they really say what needs to be done?

I have gone through a bunch of press cuttings from this year to take a look at what leading businessmen, economics professors and politicians have been saying recently about the Finnish economy: Put…

Orwellian thoughts about Pohjola Bank

I have mentioned before that 2 banks, Nordea and OP-banks control over 60% of the banking market here. This is oligopoly by any reasonable standard, and should be challenged. There is no banking group…

The 2nd day at SLUSH

I met with Forum’s other columnist Kaj Arnö there today. He was hunting for companies to invest in and I was there to report on the exceptional. We both saw a lot of people wanting to succeed and wan…